Current Families » Student Illness Policy

Student Illness Policy

It is our goal at Alta Loma Christian School to do our best to keep our school healthy. We have established the following guidelines for our school.

If a child is visibly ill in the morning, he/she is required to remain home with the parent. If a child becomes ill while at school, the parent or guardian will be contacted and expected to pick up their child as soon as possible.

A student may return to school when he/she has:

  • Been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication
  • Been free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours
  • Been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours for any type of strep or bacterial infection.

A student is required to remain at home if he/she has the following symptoms:

  • A temperature over 100 degrees
  • Diarrhea or vomiting in the past twenty-four hours
  • A sore throat with fever or spots
  • Thick, yellow or green nasal secretions accompanied with a fever
  • Cough accompanied by a temperature over 100 degrees
  • Eye drainage, redness or puffiness that reappears after cleaning
  • Unusual rashes
  • Any known symptoms of COVID-19 as listed by the CDC.

If your student will be out, please notify the office in the morning via email or phone call, or leave a message on our website on our Report an Absence page. In some instances, a doctor’s note may be requested for your student to return to class.

For more info on our health protocols to protect our campus, staff members, and families from COVID-19, please refer to our Reopening plans.